Stevenson, the President of KODAG (The Committee for the Development and Advancement of Gran Sous), stands at the site of the future two-story facility in which our first two Initiatives for Independence will be developed and managed [read below].


Tool Rental Depot

The first floor of the facility will house the tools for rent and the reception area from which they will be rented.

This initiative will provide residents all around the area with:

-Access to tools for personal use or larger, joint community projects.

-Greater opportunities for employment for residents capable of doing construction work.

This initiative will allow the members of KODAG to:

-Begin collecting funds from the rented tools, that can then be used by the committee to maintain projects, and expand and sustain their development efforts.

-Employ residents by creating positions that will be responsible for daily operation of the depot.

Design & Costs

This is a drawing of the future depot. The community has designed it to be approximately 9 meters by 7.5 meters. There will be a large metal gate in the front that will open up to a reception room. Residents interested in renting a tool or set of tools will be able to do so from the reception room. There will be a smaller door behind the reception desk that will allow the depot employee/s access to the tools.

Here is a portion of the detailed itemization of expected costs associated with building the depot. The committee in Gran Sous, KODAG, sat down together with an engineer and several construction bosses, to come up with a complete list of materials. Materials make up 71% of the total cost, while labor makes up 29%.

This collection of shovels is an example of just a few of the many tools that were collected during our first tool drive held in Connecticut in mid-May.

Tools identified by CODAG as being needed by residents in the area, and potentially successful rental items include:

Shovels, hammers, screwdrivers, construction gloves, levels, trowels, wheelbarrows, scaffolding, ladders, a cement block-making machine, pickaxes, sledge hammers, saws, vices, measuring tapes, generators, a cement mixer, etc.

If you are willing to purchase any of the tools listed here, or would like to see the full list, contact Marty Bissonnette at (860)798-1996.


Communication Center

On the second floor of the facility, there will be a meeting space for the committee and an "internet cafe" run entirely on solar energy. The space will house several computers and telephones, and serve as a place where residents of, and visitors to, Gran Sous will be able to make cheap international phone calls and surf the internet.

This initiative will allow the members of KODAG to:

-Begin collecting funds from phone calls and time spent navigating the web, that can then be used by the committee to maintain projects, and expand and sustain their development efforts.

-Employ residents by creating positions responsible for daily operations, and computer use training.

-Familiarize themselves, and then their friends and families, with using a computer and accessing the opportunities associated with the World Wide Web.